police check

To take part on the Camp Canada programme we need for you to have a clean criminal background. The way we confirm this is for you to undergo criminal background check and upload your certificate to your profile. The certificate should be from your home country, as well as any other countries you have lived in for more than six consecutive months since the age of 18.
important information about police checks
You must receive the exact criminal background check as listed below. No other types of criminal background check will be accepted.
All applicants must submit a police check dated September 1st, 2024 or later. Police checks issued before this date will be rejected.
If you an unsure if your current certificate will be accepted, or if it’s the right one, please email communitysuccess@campcanada.ca.
Some criminal background checks require the following information:
Organization requesting the certificate: Camp Canada 150 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto, ON M4P 1E8, Canada Email: info@campcanada.ca.
Confirmation of program enrolment/registration:
If confirmation of program enrollment/registration is required, you should upload your signed program agreement and your acceptance email.
United Kingdom

You will need to apply for an International Child Protection Certificate (ICPC) to get a copy of your criminal record. This costs £75 and can take up to 30 days for your certificate to be processed.
What you’ll need to apply:
- A recent photograph
- Colour copies of your passport or travel document
- Valid email address
- Address history
- Details on impending prosecutions and past convictions
- Payment method
New Zealand

You will need to apply for a Garda police check. This is free and will take approximately three weeks to process.
What you’ll need to apply:
- Completed application form
- Passport, driving licence or similar for identification purposes
- Proof of address and/or proof of previous addresses
Apply in person:
- The police check is issued by the Superintendent and/or Assistant Principal Officer within the Division where you reside, or formerly resided in the Republic of Ireland
- Station Directory

To apply for this please follow this link that will take you to apply for a Request for Certificate of Crimes of a Sexual Nature for natural persons.
Things to remember when applying:
- Checks of this nature when applied for in person in most cases are issued instantly. In some cases this process can take up to 30 calendar days.
- All certificates will require you to apply through the Electronic Headquarters of the Ministry of Justice.
- All certificates that are issued to the participant have to be a physical copy and a picture uploaded to their Camp Canada profile.

In order to obtain a Certificate of Registration Data, it is necessary that the person meets the following requirements:
- Letter requesting proof of registration data issued by the Embassy, Consulate or government agency with validity no longer than three months after the date of issue, addressed to the person in charge of the General Directorate of Control of Federal Criminal Processes or of the corresponding State Delegation of the Attorney General's Office of the Republic.
- Valid official identification with photograph.
- Proof of address, valid for no more than three months.
- National military service booklet or pre-booklet (Smn).
- Multiple immigration form or identification.
- Birth certificate (legible).
- Two unretouched color photographs, passport or affiliation size.
- Make the payment of the registration data certificate in the "Banco Mercantil del Norte", SA, Institución de Banca Múltiple, Grupo Financiero Banorte, through agreement 149583 and reference 18443101 . If payment is made by Check, it must be made payable to FGR R49 810 DPAS and others. The amount to pay in any case is $212.00 (two hundred twelve pesos) Roughly £10.00.

To apply for this you will require:
- Your identity card or your electronic residence permit with activated online ID function.
- Your 6-digit PIN.
- A suitable smartphone or card reader to identify yourself online.
You can apply for a certificate of good conduct either at the responsible residents' registration office or at the Federal Office of Justice (BfJ) directly online.

You can apply with FranceConnect You check your pre-filled details and complete the remaining fields.
Without FranceConnect You enter your marital status, your address and the desired method of return of your reply.
Whether you use FranceConnect or not, you check the information entered and validate the pre-registration of your request.
You confirm your application
The National Criminal Records Office emails you a confirmation link and a reference to be kept. You confirm your application
If you were born outside of France and do not use FranceConnect, you will need to attach a proof of identity.

Go to your local police department where you reside or last resided in the United States, request that the police conduct a local or state criminal records search and provide you with a document reflecting that there is no history of a criminal record.
Local police departments may require your personal appearance in order to conduct the search. You should determine whether the country where you intend to use the records check requires that it be authenticated.

With the Italian police check there are several that can be applied for, but only one that is relevant to work with Camp Canada. Participants have to apply for the CERTIFICATO CASELLARIO GIUDIZIALE. This covers all the checks that would be required to work in Canada.
Please note that charges for the certificate are as follows - * €16.00 for issuing the certificate + €3.92 stamp duty for certificate fee.